Toddler Program
16 Months to 2.5 YearsOverview
Our uniquely prepared toddler environment meets the young child’s many physical and emotional needs. The classroom is beautifully designed to appeal to the child’s curiosity and is carefully prepared as a natural extension of the child’s home. Furniture is custom sized to allow for maximum exploration and development of the senses.
In the Toddler Program, the staff has a high degree of commitment in providing quality care in a comfortable educational and fun atmosphere. The small classroom size with a teacher-child ratio of 1 to 5, provides a greater opportunity for individualized attention. Our teachers offer the tenderness, warmth and patience so essential at this age. The program’s mandate is to provide a culturally appropriate, racially sensitive and non-discriminatory environment for children and parents.
Philosophy & Goals

Scholar Montessori Private School strives to provide a nurturing environment where children develop: physically, mentally, emotionally and intellectually. Our program aims to:
- Provide a happy, relaxed and stimulating environment where children develop a willingness to share and ability to respect the rights of others.
- Provide a well-supervised creative program that will encourage each child to develop his/her individuality.
- Developing self-confidence, self-respect, self-discipline and a feeling of security.
- Instill an understanding and acceptance of routines and limits.
Creative Time
Creative time, allows the children the opportunity to express themselves, manipulate and create with a variety of materials. Emphasis is placed on “PROCESS NOT PRODUCT”. The time allows for children to work alone or in groups, which allows for social interactions and helps.
Children to develop language, sharing, and co-operational skills. Creative time enters many areas of your child’s development such as: Drawing. This offers pre-writing experiences and develops the child’s small muscle co-ordination. Other exercises such as gluing, cutting and tearing also helps to develop the child’s hand-eye co-ordination, fine motor skills and experiences through their senses.
Free play Time
There is plenty of time for free play both indoors and outdoors. This is very important and provides the children both an opportunity to share and to develop relationships and language skills. During free play, many interesting areas open to allow the children to be expressive, to explore, to design, to create, and to carry out projects.
This is a media where children will have the opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings. It provides the opportunity to become personally involved and provides an enjoyable experience to develop self-expression, gross motor, creativity, movement, language development, group interaction and an opportunity to experiment with sound, rhythm and singing. It also enhances listening skills.
Sensorial Time
The child discovers the world around him through the use of their senses, which help provide hands on experiences, self-expression, and stimulation of senses, creativity and small muscle control. Sensorial activities help the child explore the world through all five senses. Activities include bead stinging, matching color tablets, and matching smelling boxes, working on puzzles and comparing objects of different sizes.
Circle Time
Provides group activity for social interactions, language development, movement and exercises. Children enjoy the classroom discussions and the interactions that occur during this time.
Quiet time is essential for toddlers. This time also allows for staff the opportunity to spend time comforting each child individually.
Book Area
A quiet place with a variety of books to look at. Children may choose to be on their own or with adults or peers. This provides early experience with books and stimulates children’s desire to learn to read. Activities around books can be done in large or small groups. This also enhances development of attention span and children learn simple concepts.
Washroom Routines
Promotes good hygiene and provides and encourages body awareness and “TOILET TRAINING”.